Saturday, September 10, 2011


Since wednesday I go to school again. It's funnier than I thought. Even tho I almost don't sleep at all I have more motivation than I ever had. But I really feel that it became much harder. 
I have much work to do. School takes like 80% of my day. At any 17:00 or 18:00 I'm at home and then I have to do my homework and study. Okay, this may sound stupid. 8D But in my whole life I had school till max 14:00. lol
Nevertheless I feel that I get used to that.

Any night when I couldn't sleep again I changed my room a lil bit. :---D

As you can see my PC is on a 'table' next to my bed now. It is fucking cool to just wake up and turn the PC on. I also put my school stuff there and that means I never have to leave my bed again höhöhöhöhöhöhö. 8--)

I have a bed for two persons but this here is the place where I sleep. This princess blanket I bought a few days ago. ;_; Snowwhite looks lil bit heryderp here. But it look fucking cute irl. ♥

Forever in my bed. :--D

Yesterday in a free hour I bought doubt 2

Well yeah the last days I haven't done much more than school and homeworks. >:---c